Welcome to the Coaching Blog, here you will find pieces Anna has written that will help you on your personal development journey. You can expect a variety of content including insights into your thoughts and feelings along with practical steps you can take to make positive life changes.
10 Quick Mood Boosters!
Some days we just find ourselves in foul humour and that is ABSOLUTELY ok. Other days you’ll want quick mood boosters! All feelings are valid and nobody is happy 100% of the time. There are days you’ll want to wallow and watch your favourite movie and eat all of the chocolate and there are days […]
My Top 8 Personal Development Books to read in 2021 (that might even change your life!)
Change your life could be a stretch but each of the Personal Development books mentioned here genuinely had a positive impact on my life either by a shift in mindset or perspective. Myself and books have had a checkered relationship for sure. My mother, Carmel, is an avid reader and was one of the original […]
The POWER of YOUR Story
The story you have about yourself or the way you think about yourself will ultimately create your reality. With that in mind, it’s worth checking in and finding out what life script you’re working from.
Journaling isn’t just a buzzword! I’m here to tell you how easy it is to journal and why it works. You’ll often hear me say things like ‘get it out of your head and onto paper’ or something to that effect. There are many reasons I say this so in this post I will share […]
Without Action, Nothing Changes
There are so many mixed views about setting goals at the beginning of each year , I get it – it’s not for everyone. It works for some people, other people are totally against it. If it’s your thing go for it, if it’s not that’s absolutely ok too! You do you. I personally like […]
Action or Motivation?
Which Comes First? Action or Motivation? A lot of people say motivation – I was one of them but when you think about it (and look at the extensive research of course) action needs to come first. Action is the force behind motivation…Mic drop! So often we wait to feel motivated before we do anything. […]
Box Breathing
Box Breathing… …has been invaluable for me, it is so simple, requires very little time and is very effective. Box Breathing will help bring the breath back to its normal rhythm and subsequently calm the body and mind – something we could all do with more of! So many of us, myself included, can become […]
Should Statements
Should Statements Luigi (my brother with four legs), is high energy and needs plenty of walking. However, I have this constant battle about bringing my phone on walks with me – I think I SHOULD leave it at home so I can enjoy nature but then I think I SHOULD bring it in case something […]
Radical Acceptance
It Is What It Is… Is it? Yes it is in fact exactly what it is! Now, I remember a time a few years ago a friend of mine said it to me on repeat when I was in a situation and it wasn’t what I wanted to hear at the time. Although, exactly what […]